the allegation that iddia
the argument that iddia
the assumption that varsayım
the belief that inanç
the chance that şans
the claim that iddia
the concern that endişe
the conclusion that sonuç
the doubt that şüphe
the evidence that kanıt
the expectation that beklenti
the explanation that açıklama
the fact that gerçek
the fear that korku
the hope that umut
the idea that fikir
the impression that izlenim
the indication that gösterge
the miracle that mucize
the news that haber
the notion that olgu
the observation that gözlem
the opinion that fikir
the pity that yazık
the possibility that olasılık
the prediction that önceden tahmin
the premise that iddia
the principle that prensip
the probability that olasılık
the proof that kanıt
the reason that neden
the recommendation that öneri
the relief that rahatlama
the rumour that dedikodu
the shame that ayıp, yazık
the stipulation that ön şart koşma
the suggestion that öneri (a good) thing that iyi bir şey
the view that görüş
the wonder that şaşılacak olay
That Alan İsimler
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